28 August 2013

Constable Meg Session 2

Constable Meg visited Room 20 again today. The students were given back their sheets from Monday that had different situations on them. It turned out that all of these situations were stealing. 

The situations were:
1. Picking up a two dollar coin off the ground.
2. Picking a bunch of flowers in the park. 
3. Taking a jacket from the lost property box. 
4. Helping yourself to a biscuit while doing the staff morning tea dishes. 
5. Taking a Moro bar from the canteen while you're on duty. 
6. Copying a friend's work while she's not looking. 
7. Giving your friends special rates to the school social when you're selling tickets. 
8. Accepting lunch from a mate who has stolen the money to buy it. 
9. Shoplifting. 
10. Stealing a pencil from someone who took one from you last week. 
11. Keeping extra change that was paid to you by mistake. 
12. Taking the car when your parents said you couldn't. 
13. Taking one sandwich from someone's lunch. 
14. Forgetting to give back a friend's special pencils that you've borrowed. 
15. Taking a few coins from your mother's purse without asking. 
16. Distracting the shopkeeper while your friends take lollies in the diary.

The students go back into their groups and had to write down reasons why someone might steal in these situations. They then came back together as a class, and the reasons Room 20 came up with for why someone might steal were:

- Temptation to take something because they don’t own one
- “No one will notice, I won’t get caught”
- They might not realise what they’re doing is stealing
- People think they deserve what they’re stealing
- They want them because they look nice (flowers)
- They don’t want to pay the money to go and buy them (flowers)
- Lost their own sweatshirt so want another one
- Haven’t got one of their own so they won’t one
- Might be cold (stealing a sweatshirt)
- Take something because it’s nicer than theirs
- Might want to help their parents out by saving them buying a sweatshirt
- They’re hungry
- They think they deserve one for doing the dishes (biscuit)
- Don’t have any morning tea of their own
- Want it and have no money to buy it
- Smells good
- They want to pass the test
- They don’t know the answers for the test, they want to get them right
- Too lazy to do the test themselves
- Pressure from others
- To save the school money
- Good chance for free food
- You didn’t steal it; a friend did so it’s not bad
- They want something for nothing, don’t want to spend their own money
- Revenge - to get back at someone
- Just want to be nasty to them
- Show off to their mates
- Chance to be naughty
- Don’t take rejection well
- Only need $2 more
- See if they can get away with it
- Find it funny
- Free lollies

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