3 September 2013

Constable Meg Session 3

Today was Constable Meg's final visit to Room 20. So far we've looked at what stealing is and why people might steal. Today in our groups we brainstormed ways we could stop people stealing at Ilam School. Here is a summary of what Room 20 came up with...

Fundraise for a fund within the school so that there is money for children without lunch to have something.

Put posters up.

Promote how someone can get lunch – go to the office, rather than steal it.

Create an environment where you are encouraging people to tell if they know that someone is stealing, so we can stop it.

Look at how we store stuff in the school – e.g. cell phones. So there is no temptation for anyone to steal them.

Alannah P:
Put a message on the class/school blog.

Jessica Lee:
Stationary check each week – to see if everyone has their own stationary.

Name your gear.

Teacher does a spot check to see that sweatshirts are named.

Teachers give out house points for children who have named gear.

Jessica Lim and Lamar:
Security cameras - we could raise money at a mufti day for one.

Writing a really catchy song about not stealing.

Having bags somewhere where stealing can’t happen – in view of others.

Making an ad about not stealing.

On the way to lunch – have spot checks to see that people only have their own items in their bags.

Put ads in the school newsletter or the local newspaper about what we’re doing to stop stealing.

Have a group of responsible people go around to the classrooms and see if anything is being stolen in that classroom.

Constable Meg gave Room 20 a soft toy dog to look after and protect. Now we have to come up with a name for it!

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