
This Week's Reminders
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What should you be doing each night at home?

1. Read for at least 15 minutes each night
2. Learn your maths basic facts each night

3. Learn your spelling words each night

Optional extras each week include:

- Maths and science certificates/badges
- A fun weekly quiz based on current events

- Possible extras from the teacher based on weekly learning
- Possible extras on your homework sheet based on the spelling skill being learnt in class.

Basic Facts
Each Monday you will be given 30 basic facts to learn for the week. The aim of having basic facts for homework is to increase your basic facts knowledge and the speed at which you can recall them. Knowing your basic facts will make it easier to understand and use your numeracy strategies during maths time. Your basic facts test in week two determined which level was appropriate for you to start at. On Fridays you will have a 2 1/2 minute test to complete these 30 basic facts. If you get at least 29/30, you move up to the next level the following week.

Each Monday you will be given new spelling words for the week based on the skills being learnt in class that week. On Friday you and your spelling buddy will test each other on these words.

Look, say, cover, write and check
Using 'Look, say, cover, write and check' can help you to remember how to spell words that you find difficult.

Look at the shape of the word. Can you see any patterns or groups of letters that go together? Are there any words within words?
Say the words carefully and slowly to yourself. Try to listen for the sounds in the words.
Cover the word. Try to picture the word in your mind, closing your eyes might help you to do this. Say the word to yourself again and then.....
Write the word down.
Check to see if it is correct. If the word isn't quite right don't worry, just try again. It can often take a few attempts to get it right.

Here are some websites to help you learn your words:
Spelling City 
Look, Cover, Write and Check

Current Events Weekly Quiz

Term 4 password is lemon

Self Management
Be organised and manage yourself at home by:
- Starting your homework without being reminded to
- Organising your own school bag
- Helping out with making your lunch
- Keeping your bedroom tidy
- Helping out around home

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